as title says, looking for ones as long as theyre decent, superlites, wellers, etc etc just nice ones for cheap or cheaper, with tires so ican have them sitting on my car, idm if tyres are legal or not. cheers.
photos mate?Rays engineering ce28 I think
seen your micra on the facebook page, igot my micra and the only reason ive still got it is cause your silver one looks the mutts nutts.should be TOO allusive for much longer, Chogy bought it off me and is going to be making copies hopefully
didnt see the photos pop up mate, where you located??photos mate?
postable?Genuine wheels not the rota crappie copies
My head lights are cable tied in....... not the best but hey... passed an motiwouldnt mind the drive but my micra needs 2 new headlights as 1s completely broke and not on the car