lighting numberplate

going to be having my boot smoothed next week or the week after, anyway was wondering if anybody as any ideas how i can light the numberplate on the bumper?

i thought so far of getting a k10 style light, must know which i mean, the square black ones but that may look pants.

all ideas welcome with pics if possible!
escort or fiesta 1s are tiny and mount in the bumper and shine up to the plate, so you could prolly mount it above youre numberplate and shine down on it, or have a look around a scrappy and look at as many diffrent cars as you can , you may gat some ideas off that :)
LED washer jet - fill/paint it same colour as your car - the only thing LED jets are good for in my opinion...
tommo said:
LED washer jet - fill/paint it same colour as your car - the only thing LED jets are good for in my opinion...

Titch said:
tommo said:
LED washer jet - fill/paint it same colour as your car - the only thing LED jets are good for in my opinion...

They don't work that well man - belive me - i tried :(

haha yeah! I said this all along lol. I think the approach Titch went for was the best, i still need to do something with mine, i got LED number plate bolts but they shine out rather than onto the plate so need to somehow cover em so the light shines onto the plate or get some off another car, will take a trip to the scrappy soon, i been followed by cruisers a few times n never been stopped for them thogh - dont want to ride my luck too long though
RE: RE: lighting numberplate

Titch said:
tommo said:
LED washer jet - fill/paint it same colour as your car - the only thing LED jets are good for in my opinion...

They don't work that well man - belive me - i tried :(

you sure? i know gavwano had those on his flip painted k11 on 17s - and his worked fine if i remember rightly altho i do stand to be corrected :/ ...
tommo said:
Titch said:
tommo said:
LED washer jet - fill/paint it same colour as your car - the only thing LED jets are good for in my opinion...

They don't work that well man - belive me - i tried :(

you sure? i know gavwano had those on his flip painted k11 on 17s - and his worked fine if i remember rightly altho i do stand to be corrected :/ ...

yeah u do stand to be correctd :D I had this conversation with Dan not long ago and he still disagrees with me, Gav took the bulbs out of the k11 boot handle and mounted em on bumper just above the number plate. He put splash caps over em (the silver things) these can be bought from folia tech but revolution are the only company in Britain who deal with Foliatec and its a twat trying to get hold of em as i am trying to do at the moment. Theyre not washerjets believe me
anyone tried a renault clio mk2 number plate light it simply clips in to the bumper and shines up that and a powerfull bulb should do the trick
i think were trying to shine downwards mate, as the boots gonna be flushed and the plate will be on the bumper.......
not neccesarily :p. but even so could then still put the nobbing on the verticle side of the bumper facing downwards!

my first one (which worked fine) was from a fiesta (just like a van one etc) and it shine up and down which ever way turned it for desired results
i got a universal reg light from halfords for a fiver then colour coded it

dont know really but its going in on july 10th for the wiper removed and sideskirts and rear splitter fitted
thank you for all your help people. i will go and look at escort van/fiesta and a few other cars or vans later today when its done i will post some pics!

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