

Ex. Club Member
my cars gt a leak from the back side window seal and the drivers door just wonderin is there an easy way to sort it out cheers. also the doors have sagged a bit how do i sort tht out ?
i had the same problem with my back window seals, i got some new ones from mental dude off ebay, and it sort'd out the problem.

as for the door sagging, mine does it to, you need new door pins and hats, i've just not found were to get them from yet, as i don't want to go to a nissan dealer as it would cost more than the car lol
my drivers door sagged so i bought new pins from nissan (£13 iirc) and my dad and me made a metal insert (out of hollow metal bar) to go between that and hinge (bush type thing) works fine now!

new kit as described.......but dont leave it too late or it may become a NIGHTMARE to get the old stuff removed easily.......

it took me several cans of tennants super, a pile of bricks, a selection of aerosol lubes, a 4 lb lump hammer, a customised 'pin punch' made from a 'puller', a blowtorch, a dose of anger, and a counter dose of care and safety conciousness........to remove my (over due) lower door pin.....

..after that the top hats were easy

as for the rear window seals... I just claenaed mine up and the glass too and they're fine (K reg)

have fun mate!