Knock detection


Ex. Club Member
I was wodnering what the best way to detect knock on a k11. Drilling the block then tapping a thread would be the ideal option and then fit the knock sensor securely but where woudl you tap the block? What other ways are there to detect knock apart from using your ears :laugh:

by using your ears, listen to diesel when cold, knocking/pinking will sound like that. It's hard to explain the noise, but you'll know when it's knocking.

I'm not sure where knock sensors need to be positioned but theres a grub in the head you can remove.

i would say, near the top of the piston throw, there are unused some threads on the head that you could bolt a sturdy bracket to eh
gonna have a looka t the cars head later on and see where i could bolt one as that would be soo much easier.

I want something i can monitor visually/datalog as when i am driving i would generally have music on and when the car i srunnign the exhaust is quite loud and the turbo whistling covers every noise lol.

thanks for the input guys.

a useful link about knock recording