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My rear wheel started to make a loud humming vibration so I assumed it was the wheel bearing. There does nt seem to be much guidance on the net for this on the K13 so posting my experience in case anyone else gets here. Although I found no play when car jacked up and tire pulled pushed at90/180 degrees. I then took off tyre and bearing cap thingie and unbolted 30mm to remove the drum which has the bearing inside. A quick wiggle of the bearing showed it had separated and appeared to be the issue.

Its interesting to note that the drum has the hub bolts going through from inside to out. So the drum has the bolts protruding outwards. In many of the videos online for other cars you will see the drum with the holes rather than the bolts protruding.

Now I removed the circlip easily enough and tried wacking the bearing out of the hub using a30mmwrench head and a hammer/ It did not budge a mm.  Please note to remove the black ABS ring before trying this so as not to damage it. (I believe it has a magnetic charge to let the ABS system know how the drum is acting etc)

I rang my local garage to ask how much they would charge to a) just press the bearings out and and push new one in if I supplied and b) how much to do the whole job! They did not answer.

Anyhow labour round here in a garage is about £80 an hour so I pondered my options.

Replacement bearing is 30-50£ depending on make. Crappy nock off or FAG  lots of options???

Then I came across mintex brake drum with integrated bearing - already in there! - £80 off ebay. Well I could not resist and it was delivered in two days.

But - it does not come with hub bolts - DOH! ( it does have new 30mm bolt - not the placky single use ones in other Micra models - just metal - and no replacement bearing cap)  I looked at the state of the old hub nuts and they look pretty we set in the drum for 13 years - so i decided to buy new hub bolts - frig me if I could find the right ones - but settled on the 4322-70T00 - seem to fit a lot of Nissan models. But it may be I should have bought 43222-41B00

Also I plan to take the old drum and replace the bearing in it at my leaisure so Im ready when the other wheel goes - then I have a drop on ready to go.

Will up date when I get new hub nuts - if they are the right size....!
