Hi there, I've seem some guys suffering ignition barrel/steering lock/start problem here,now it comes to me. I have a 1.2se keyless 53reg Micra, the steering lock is getting stick(I think it's steering lock), it's so difficult to release steering lock, it feels like something stuck inside I almost can't turn the key knob to releae the steering lock, after that it's no problem at all. yesterday I gave it half an hour to get my car start in Sainsbury car park, almost gave up, finally I got it start.grr
after I went back home, I took look inside the steering wheel and took some pictures, as you can see the pictures nothing I can do with it, the ignition barrel/steering lock assembly is sealed.:suspect:
before I seem this I was thinking WD40 may help:blush:, there is no place for it or put it straight in the ignition barrel:wasntme:.
any help would be very appreciated.
after I went back home, I took look inside the steering wheel and took some pictures, as you can see the pictures nothing I can do with it, the ignition barrel/steering lock assembly is sealed.:suspect:
before I seem this I was thinking WD40 may help:blush:, there is no place for it or put it straight in the ignition barrel:wasntme:.
any help would be very appreciated.