K12 Hunting on idle

afternoon all. new to this.

i've just bought a micra that was down on copart as running and driving (shock horror it wasnt)

anyway, i've fitted a new engine and just wanted to run it up prior to put slam panel rad pack etc back in and it wont idle. hunting like mad.

no major panic as not knocking or smoking but just wondered if anything i should be looking out for that may be causing this?

any guidance appreciated. part of me thingk it may be that rad pack etc unplugged and no water in it but not sure on that one
Look at idle relearn should find this might help once performed.
I done mine with autel mk808 but is a manual option using pedals.
Should get your idle back to normal if you have done a good job.
Good luck with this.

My idle rpm seems slightly higher when upto operational temps than previous.
I think this might be the sparkplugs being standard.
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