K12 Extreme condensation

Hi all,

I'm having extreme condensation issue with my wife's 2004 micra which drives me crazy. I've plenty of water in the boot and after short investigation, I've spotted a small crack behind passenger's rear light. It was sealed and water wasn't coming through anymore. Next day, back to square one. Checked the boot and it's dry. No other signs of water anywhere! Condensation appears as soon as temperature drops regardless of the weather(no rain). I've noticed, the condensation starts first at the rear window(I think) and then quickly spreads so guessing there must be something around there but no signs of water anywhere. There is so much condensation, that a cloth becomes drenched in water after just one wipe!

Has anyone had anything similar and could point me in the right direction.
I had a lot yesterday.More than normal we had a lot of rain. I always dry the window outside and inside both front rear and sides.
Was trying to pinpoint the area that is causing this.

Was mostly looking at the bare metal painted area of the rear door. That seems to be really cold this is the same as the window condensed water vapour.
Have heard about the rear lights having a problem. So far I have not encountered any. Or have I really had to look into this further. There is a thread on here tho as I have read that before.
Anyhow today the vehicle was dry on the outside. For the first time in about a week or so. Also the inside was born dry meaning the windows.
For me I just make sure to dry the areas with a cloth. After this using the heater and cold to blow the condensation outside. With the windows set to fully or partially open depending on what the outside weather is at the time.
Sometimes I find it necessary to do this twice.

Sometimes the best method is to clear the vehicle of air as the heat condenses. Bottles of water also cause this effect I know I have at least 2 to 3 litres of water standing in bottles.
If you have some silica gel. They absorb water also a good thing you can also use is cat liter in a sock or similar. To make a bag that will collect the air moisture.
As for the light clusters I think that this should be resealed.
My guess is this post I mentioned is from around 1 month ago so should be easy to find.
And if you do not find the thread ask (John_D) As I think he mentioned archiving the subject.
Good luck in preventing this and or fixing any problem you may have with your rear lights.

Edit:- A key thing is to cool the interior of the car back down this prevents both the windows freezing and the condensation and I don't think you have mentioned frost but did say it had not rained.
May not be the solution but it does help reduce it alot.
Search for :- Wet rear seat,water leaking in
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Hi Sparky,

Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated.

It was decent day today so I did some further investigation.

First thing I’ve dried the rear window(full of water) with a wipe, followed by a hairdryer! Then started pouring lots of water of back window! No leaks. Same for the windscreen. Again no leaks. ?

I’ve then decided to shift my attention to the seals around the car. Found plenty of junk on top rear window seal so I though water is not draining hence always start at the back. I’ve done the same at the front. Cleared all the rubbish etc. I was so confident I got it but my hopes were short lifted!! 8pm and already started seeing plenty of moisture on the rear window but not much elsewhere! Half an hour later started seeing moisture on the inside of the windscreen!

It was a bit dark but I decided to investigate where the water might hiding. Checked all the seals and the were all dry! However, I’ve noticed some on the reverse were a bit shiny on the inside which would suggest a water somewhere! I’ve followed it all the way down and then spotted a bit wetness behind the bottom section of the seal where plastic meets the seal! Lifted the seal and noticed more wetness!

I remember seeing a tiny hole right at the top of the seal so now I’m wondering if the water gets inside and comes down under the seal at the bottom??

Will see tomorrow if the condensation has reduced by even tiny bit after clearing of the seals... I shall report back...