k11 on tv



anyone just seen it? stood up pretty well, i thought it would have been alot worse

white 5dr k11 had a blow out on the motorway and rolled over actually on the crash barrier

everyone got out fine and dandy.
like the bloke said though if it hadnt of been on the b pillar it would have been a different story, how dim was that copper when he went to examin the burger van incident, took him ages - A would have stuck the nut on that #### who swore
Big_ben said:
like the bloke said though if it hadnt of been on the b pillar it would have been a different story, how dim was that copper when he went to examin the burger van incident, took him ages - A would have stuck the nut on that #### who swore

how calm was that woman though.lol ide be layed out on the grass bank with head in hands

was lucky i supose
Big_ben said:
traffic cops it was called lol, a wud luv to be one of them

i was gong to join th force this year with that job in mind but it takes ages and you mite never get to do it
so my job pays good anyway and ide rather moan about police than be one and moan about them lol :)
i had a interview to do the specials this year but i declines in the end because at the time i had too much going on (although i do nothing now that uni yr has finished). When i eventually do apply to be a copper i either wanna be an investigator or a traffic cop, not your bog standard bobby. You have to do 2 years on the beat before you can even think about any sort of diverging. When you have a degree though u can apply for this thing called the fast track scheme and you get promoted faster or summit. Would have been brilliant to put on my CV the specials though but one day maybe.
Big_ben said:
i had a interview to do the specials this year but i declines in the end because at the time i had too much going on (although i do nothing now that uni yr has finished). When i eventually do apply to be a copper i either wanna be an investigator or a traffic cop, not your bog standard bobby. You have to do 2 years on the beat before you can even think about any sort of diverging. When you have a degree though u can apply for this thing called the fast track scheme and you get promoted faster or summit. Would have been brilliant to put on my CV the specials though but one day maybe.

yeah that put me off a LOT..ive allredy done the tea boy thing at my work now and got into it,i dont want to go through it again

plus the wages are around the same when im fully trained,jewellers range of pay is massive from minimum wage to whatever you want to earn,
i dont have to put up with **** and deal with horibe people,my jobs easier
but i supose its less rewarding than being a copper,and i dont get away with speeding or know all the loopholes
If you a policemen, your job is on the line every day...
You can get fired for saying what you believe in - you MUST pledge allegiance to politically correct nonsence and you are no more than a pawn, you are not even a link in a chain.
i would like to be a village policeman where nothing ever happens. maybe helping the occaisonal lost tourist find their bearings. looking out for the lost dog. telling off a local for resting their bike outside the post office window.
ahh easy life. a bit like a childrens tv policeman. the equivilent of postman pat.
everytime I hear about a white 5dr k11 i half excpet to see my old baby, still a little sus about the buyer not putting his licence number on the V5
Dusk said:
If you a policemen, your job is on the line every day...
You can get fired for saying what you believe in - you MUST pledge allegiance to politically correct nonsence and you are no more than a pawn, you are not even a link in a chain.

correct,,,but to me it would have been just a job driving around in a volvo with blue lights :D

i can see my interview now..whats your hobbies and interests..erm.......well i modd cars to go fast and im a member of a WN forum.
RIK said:
correct,,,but to me it would have been just a job driving around in a volvo with blue lights :D

i can see my interview now..whats your hobbies and interests..erm.......well i modd cars to go fast and im a member of a WN forum.

Dusk is right, mate of mine said duringthe run up to voting that they are told not to vote for groups like BNP, so even if they're a fair officer but believe in other ways (the whole working on the inside to make a difference thing) they still can't show it cause they're "always on duty"
anyone notice how the woman said she as going "home" to zimbabwe(sp) when the copper asked her where she was going? then he said you live there? she said no i live here but im going home...made me laugh
thing that was more funny was 2 kids under what 15 are accompany her to the airport, how were they meant to go home ??? PS: i drive down all of the roads shown on that atleast twice a week. i HATE living on an island
I only caught the end of it last night too. Good to see the K11 coped quite well!