Good stuff...quick sale required.
- N15 Almera Airbox and new (barely used) K&N air filter & 60mm K&N cold air feed pipe + crank case breather filter. £35
- N15 Almera 1.4 front brake calipers. AFAIK you may need another brake carrier because the 2 I have don't seem to match. One is labelled 21 and another 22. However i was assured they were taken off the same car. Pistons move freely, not siezed. £5
- Stealth Shelf (black) for 6x9 speaker fitting £30
- K11 Boss Kit for aftermarket steering wheel £25
- B&G Quick Release steering wheel adapter £45
- Genuine MOMO Millenium Steering Wheel £80
I'm also selling the car as a whole (spares or repairs). It's done 82,500 miles and has a recent new clutch, new battery, new michilin tyres all around with lots of tread, matt black sprayed alloys (1 buckled), interior sprayed black, pulsar short shifter installed, new standard exhaust system, new front brake pads and rear drums along with brake fluid change, and many engine oil changes. This car has been exceptionally maintained by myself since buying it. Passed the MOT in March, but road tax expires end of May 2011.
Bad points are the NSF wishbone needs replacing, steering rack has snapped on 1 side, and driveshafts popped off. CV joints were clicking on full lock before the accident so that should be sorted out at the same time. Engine runs beautifully but obviously its undriveable because none of the power is getting to the wheels, and turning the steering wheel has no effect on the wheels.
I'm asking only £100 for the car now, as I will need the space in the driveway pretty soon for my next car. If nobody takes it off me then i'll have to scrap it, regretfully.
- N15 Almera Airbox and new (barely used) K&N air filter & 60mm K&N cold air feed pipe + crank case breather filter. £35
- N15 Almera 1.4 front brake calipers. AFAIK you may need another brake carrier because the 2 I have don't seem to match. One is labelled 21 and another 22. However i was assured they were taken off the same car. Pistons move freely, not siezed. £5
- Stealth Shelf (black) for 6x9 speaker fitting £30
- K11 Boss Kit for aftermarket steering wheel £25
- B&G Quick Release steering wheel adapter £45
- Genuine MOMO Millenium Steering Wheel £80

I'm also selling the car as a whole (spares or repairs). It's done 82,500 miles and has a recent new clutch, new battery, new michilin tyres all around with lots of tread, matt black sprayed alloys (1 buckled), interior sprayed black, pulsar short shifter installed, new standard exhaust system, new front brake pads and rear drums along with brake fluid change, and many engine oil changes. This car has been exceptionally maintained by myself since buying it. Passed the MOT in March, but road tax expires end of May 2011.
Bad points are the NSF wishbone needs replacing, steering rack has snapped on 1 side, and driveshafts popped off. CV joints were clicking on full lock before the accident so that should be sorted out at the same time. Engine runs beautifully but obviously its undriveable because none of the power is getting to the wheels, and turning the steering wheel has no effect on the wheels.
I'm asking only £100 for the car now, as I will need the space in the driveway pretty soon for my next car. If nobody takes it off me then i'll have to scrap it, regretfully.