K11 Forged Rod dimentions?

I will be getting some forged rods made up in the future and im wondering whether its common practice to have them made 2mm shorter than standard rods. I have JE pistons to go with them, are the pistons 2mm longer to accomodate the dish and there for need shorter rods?

just that i dont want to get the rods made wrong like:D
they use the shorter rods to drop the C/R dont they ed ?
the 1.0 and 1.3 pistons are 19mm from the top of the gudgeon pin to the crown btw
(and CGA,s are 18mm) :)
I dont think so:S i think its just a bigger dish in the piston? but to get that dish they are longer and there for need shorter conrods? i dunno, im sure ed will know...