Hi, I'm new to this forum, sorry for any mistake in posting.
I recently got myself a 1.4 K11, since I wanted a cheap but fun daily driver (I live in a mountain area so there are lots of slow windy roads) and also it's handy to have a backup plan for when I'm working on my other rides.
I'm really happy with it so far. I've already did pretty much all the fixes it needed (it was kinda beaten up, but I got it for free!) and now it's time for modifications. Specifically, after upgrading brakes and suspensions, I'd like to improve performances and growl just a little bit.
I was thinking about an induction kit as a first step. The problem is, police here where I live is VERY against any kind of "visible" modification, so any kind of induction kit with a cone/round exposed filter is totally out of the question.
I was thinking about the classic Primera/Almera airbox swap with a performance filter in it, but I'm really really struggling to find one. I've found some for the Diesel version but I'm not sure they would fit (would they?). Can please someone help me to find it, preferably on eBay? Any European country will do.
In alternative, is there any kind of aftermarket "stock-looking" induction kit? Like the K&N 57s for example.