K11 1.0 struggles to start when warm or after few minutes

Hello everyone, first post here and I've found some really good infos around this forum but nothing that can really relate to my problem.
I've bought a 1997 K11 1.0l in december 2023 and it has always started great when cold but not when warm, I have to crank the key at least 2-3 times before it would start. I've read that it can be related to anything from the dizz cap, a cold solder joint in the throttle body or it's simply overfueling and I would need to fit a resistor in parallel to the engine temp sensor.

The car runs ok it doesn't cut off or anything. I've tried using a little bit of throttle when starting warm but it doesn't really make a difference so I would exclude the throttle body solder joint fix.

Does anyone have an advice on what to check first? Thank you very much
A short note about this possibility.
My K11 became a slow starter when hot. A compression test revealed a low one on #4.
Inspected valve clearances, OK. Looked thru spark plug at piston, Very clean compared to
others. Maybe # 4 injector draining residual pressure when stopped. ( May cause very rich
mixture when hot= possible hard start ??). Serviced all injectors and fed injector cleaner
through them. Stuck into ultrasound bath as well. Reassemble and test.