Hi all,
Im from Malaysia, and well, just happened across ur site and well, lemme say one thing...the info around here is awesome.
Down here we dont have too many March folks and getting a second opinion would always find you contradicting the first.
Ive come to own a K10 ST(love it bigtime!) and been doing minor 'touches' here and there since i got it, but my main restriction would be the looks on some of the workshop folks faces when the bonnet comes of. The engines compactness seem to put a fair lot of them off.
Ive got a tonne of questions like whats the diff on the coupe and 4 door k10s, when were they introduced? and the slight diffs in the K10 faces, like why some have a slightly different convexed headlight vs flat headlights on others. Stuff like that, if any of you guys know, i would love to find out 
If it aint too much trouble, perhaps i could get my digicam out to my car during lunch, snap a few pics and get opinions from you seasoned folks on best mods to go with, and what to ignore.
Its kinna like an ongoing fun project for me, so rather than try n die, i guess i could get some advise to get things right 