Trying to get em to upload with the writhing ive just put up but its not working rightAny pictures?
Awesome build overall mater-reg registering in here sweet works and thats what i call a real spoiler !
Thanks dougleddsHaha that fitment is awesome, looks mad bro!
It depends on the class and a few bits such as if u can do all the work yourself, my car didnt cost to much to build, i done most of the work bar the wiring myself which was 600e, i had some bits and all i really paid for was paint and stickers which where another 200-300 so it wasnt to dear but a few people which ill leave nameless as they might be on this page are spending upwards of 5 grand which is insane for the same as i have, the track itself isnt to expensive to race on 60 e for the license and 20 for the days racing, it only cost me a 10e for petrol so its not to badThus looks badass!!
Is it expensive to get to where your at/actual racing?