Introduction Of My Micras So Far

I'm rob, i'm 17 and i live in cheshire.
Passed my test on 17/11/10 and have owned a K10 micra ever since.
I Purchaced my first in september just before my birthday. A K10 1L automatic for £220. I loved the styling and how well the car seemed to handle. Being automatic it was enough to get me used to driving and feeling confident on the road.

3 Months later its time to sell it. I looked at the usual saxo's and corsa's that most 17 year olds have and didn't take a liking to them. So monday i was driving the same run to college i've done since i've had my car and another K10 (this one a 1.2L Super S thats apparently been there for 6 months) caught my eye. How i never noticed it is beyond me however a week later and its safe to say both K10's are now sat looking stunning outside my house.

Looking forward to learning as much as i can about my car and chatting to more enthusiasts.

Thanks for your time.
very welcome man :) i was in your situation myself about 2 years ago and im now a msc addict :laugh: post up a few pictures of your cars if you can :)
Got The Gold One On Ebay Now, Gonna Sell It To Get Money For The MOT And Tax On The Super S. Will Post A Link In The Sales Part And Will Get Some Decent Pics Of The Super S Up Tomorow.
Just Sold The Gold One For £325. Not Bad As I Paid £220 For It 3 Months Ago.
Glad To See It Went To A K10 Lover Though. Not One Of The Delivery Drivers That Called Me.

Story Was He Had Owned His K10 For 4 Years And One Day It Had A Fuel Pipe Split And The Whole Car Went Up In Flames ): He Had Adapted To His K10 So Any Other Car Was Just A Head Blag. Hope He Enjoys The Car As Much As I Did Anyway :)

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