Interior rejuvenation


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hi, have just been looking through the threads, and I was sure there was something in there mentioning restoring the armrests, or rather, the vinyl. Mine looks really yuck and apart from painting it which I feel would come off specially in this Queensland climate, what can I use to get it looking half-decent?

Thanks guys


» CMF Member
Member since:
It looks pretty good just sanded. Before i gave mine a lick of paint, i contemplated just leaving them sanded and maybe some gloss enamel. If you use about 120 grit then move up to say 220 then 440 then 800, youll get a real smooth arm rest that has nothing on it. At which point giving it a coat of something clear would help keep it clean. Or something.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Ok, 2 armrests done in black carbon fibre finish is $280-00 + GST + postage. He said he can also restore them back to original finish for $200-00 + GST + postage. It takes roughly a week to do. I'm thinking that it may be more viable to get some from the wreckers if they haven't deteriorated to the level that mine have.