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i know what you are saying, obviously if you bought a brand new car, and 10 years later you have a crash, the insurance isn't going to give you the money to buy a brand new car again just because it was new when you bought it.


but what i am saying is, the definition of insurance as i see it, is to insure you don't loose out. i am not worried about getting money back, like you said you don't spend money on cars and expect to get the money back, you do it for the experience, and the joy of having a car at the end which is the result of your hard work and unique to your personal taste.


but imagine you have created a car though years of hard work, you have hand molded every part of that car, carefully bolted it together etc, and finally comes your first day to drive it, you have just got it "insured" and you roll out of the drive way, ready to see what happens when you put 600bhp on the ground, when some little old lady comes round the corner and smashes into your car, fully destroying it. the insurance says your car is worth £3000 that you paid for the original shell. not enough to fix the car, or start again.


are you saying you could just accept that and move on? knowing that years of work have been wasted and you never got a chance to enjoy the fruits of your labor? would you not be worried about driving your car knowing that even though you have it insured, someone could still take out your car and you would never have it back?


i certainly mod my car for the experience, but equally as much, i do it to have my dream car at the end, something that is suited exactly to me in a way that no other car could ever do. so with that in mind i want to know that if the worst happens and someone writes it off, i can just close my eyes and say "insurance, make it how it was" and magically everything will be repaired as if it never happened and i can go back to enjoying my car.


i know that is not what insurance does, which is my problem, because thats what i want.



as for the Saxo example, i understand that no one here would pay 20k for a Saxo, but i still think that if thats what it costs to get the owner back what they originally had, then thats what should be done.


i think maybe there could be an exception if it was the owners fault. if i build my car the way i want and on day one i drive it into a ditch, that is my fault, i wouldn't even bother claiming on the insurance, and i would pay out of my pocket to fix it as it was my fault. but i want protection from other people.
