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well thats what i don't get, i have no intention of selling my car, i don't want to scrap it, if it is ever damaged i want it repaired. so i want an insurance policy that allows me to do that, no matter what happens i will have enough cash to fix it. i am sure that most people in the world would think its crazy to spend so much money on an old car like i have, and i know no one else would pay that kind of money, so i don't expect the market value to be high. i need something else where i can say exactly how much it would cost to redo the car from scratch and the insurance company promises to pay up to that value if anything happens. in my mind that would be insurance, i am assured that my car is safe from other people damaging it.


to spend loads of money on a car, and more money on insurance and then have a crash which wasn't my fault, only to have the insurance company write me a cheque for £100 isn't really my idea of cover, because my car isn't protected instead i just get compensation which isn't equal to what i put in.


in Sweden they only cover the car, regardless of who owns it and who drives it, which is very nice, but after that, its pretty much the same, the value the car, write it off, and pay a small amount of money which leaves me feeling like i have some how been raped.


but when i had Sky insurance it was very good, though i never had to claim...


i hope the moose out here have insurance!
