I have done this not so long ago...
I have made a diagram for you, so i think although my english is not so good installing SuperS dials will be understandable and easy

but first... some explanations...
1. I dont have LS but LX K10.. but i dont think that there is a difference in dials...
2. In standard dials there are 2 connectors, both with 10 pins (witch gives us 20 pins). In SuperS dials there are 3 connectors, first has 10 pins, second has 8, and there is a 2 pin connector coming out straight from the speedometer... (witch gives us 20 pins).
3. Everything I will tell you now will be from the perspective like you would be looking at the back of the dials...
ok.. so... lets start

first... the easy part... the right connector... it's the same connector only that its horizontal now... we just have to change one cable here, and it's the cable from the rev counter... you have to connect it to the coil, and be sure to connect it thru 2,2kOhm resistor... when you do it... we're done here
second... the hard part... the left connector... as you can see the connector from the standard dials is 2 pins longer... i solved this problem by cutting off one "section" and glueing two parts together:
now it is the time for rewireing this connector... i think that everything you'll need is on the diagram:
(on the right connector there are "Long lights"... its just because i dont know how do you call them in english

If you have any suggestions, or if I have done any mistakes please tell me...