immobiliser update.

so the keys have been recoded at nissan... £45
and according to the invoice the "errors have been removed"
car started first time, engine light didnt flash.

i get it home, try to start it up 10/15 mins later... Flashing light :mad:
i rang Nissan back, and they say they want it overnight.

i leave it half hour, and it works again!! i look a right numpty!
so, went shopping, the light flashed, i revved it a bit and the light went off,
car went like a dream, as usual!!

anyone got any more suggestions, or have i just got a very stroppy micra now??

if that receiver ring was faulty then repaired and now faulty again, then i would try another one personally
receiver ring??? it was something to do with the little ####s yanking at the wiring when they tried stealing the car.
who steals a car with an immobiliser? and only takes the FRONT of the stereo? ah well. was only a cheap one!!
back on my old JVC now, with my 500W 6x9s!!!
just tried the car, it started first time/!! strange :|