Ignition/Dipped HL's fuse box melted.



That's the second time now!!!
I can't be bothered going to a spark again it cost me £40 plus the time it took to raid a scrappy for a new(ish) one!
Does anyone know why it's doing it? I've had to solder two fuses directly to the wires for the Dipped beams because the contacts in the box have completely corroded away! This is useless! :(

This is not good...
I need advice!

Ok, buy an in-line fuse holder (from all good car part shops) and run two wires from the OEM place through the weather cover into the second fuse box - chances are you'll only have one or two fuses in there. Find a good location and cable tie it down the the box. add your fuse and your away.

I do have pictures of this and will be doing a guide shortly on www.mightymicra.co.uk - I'll give you a shout when it's done :)
Thanks Wilsonian, let me know when you're done. My botch job should hold untill then!

well like I said I did this the other week and have the pictures some where. I'm currently at night school so it might be either tomorrow night or wednesday.