Hydraulic Handbrake guide

Sharp bends over a right angle use a 30mm socket. Anything less or straighter... it doesn't matter
Never bend by pushing your thumbs in the pipe and pulling with your hands (if that makes sense) as your thumbs create a pressure point in the pipe :)
I'll include all this in the guide
Ok here we go
Last time we left the feed pipe hanging through the firewall.
We also left the rear pipes with hoses on left dangling
To finish the rears a small length of pipe with one male fitting on needs making with a flare bead either end
Had a picture but cant find it
Carrying on from this

Put this in your rear cylinders/calipers

And simply connect those rear hoses. Job done on the back :)

Moving onto those front pipes...
Front pipes
Remove your original ones from your master cylinder

Then continue to fully remove your front pipes. Dont be scared to cut em if need be.
My engine was out at the time :)

Once removed take your new pipe and feed it through the existing grommet


Proceed to bead the end (no fitting required) and bend into place

Then trace it back to a suitable place to mount you T-piece


Once you're happy cut the pipe, add a male fitting and flare the end as shown. And fit your T-piece to the end
You can see where the rear feed left off :)
Mirror this for the other side.


But once you come to the piece dont just cut
Hold it here

Mark and cut here

Proceed to add a male fitting and flare the end... and join to the T-piece :)
Next stage plumb the m/c in and front brakes
Add a male fitting... flare the end and plug into the master cylinder

Trace this round to either your t-piece of your female fitting from the rear pipe

That's mine
Vice-versa with the second output.
Front brakes I didn't take pics... so I'll take it apart and do it again :)

Of course once your front brakes are connected
Brake fluid and bleed them up :) checking for leaks along the way
Difference being... you pump the handbrake with the pedal :)