Howdy fellow micras

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Hiya, fluffy here. live in the dartford kenty type area. Im currently driving my first car... Can you guess what it is yet?? ;o) been driving since just before xmas and went through a whole loada hubcaps before I got to my now fairly reasonably safe level of driving ;o)

Argh! chavs up the road kicked her in on friday though. Its only superficial damage but I fully intend to hunt each and every one of them down with a branding iron...!

anyways, pleased to meet you all.

fluffy and mooby (the micra)
Lol i like the intro, I used to live on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent but live near Croydon now, nice to see another Kent member joining :)

hey and welcome. ive been driving two years and im still mashing my wheels.

ps sod off james you made my poor foxes much worse than they were
Woohoo - Another Kent member :D

I sometimes feel i'm the only one :D - Although Dartford is stilll 35 miles away from me!!!!!!
Welcome to the club, keep away from everyone from down south, theyre not quite all there in the head (if you know what i mean)................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Nah, only messing
Craig_87 said:
Welcome to the club, keep away from everyone from down south, theyre not quite all there in the head (if you know what i mean)................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Nah, only messing

If that was intended for me then i'm quite flattered :D

I know i'm not right in the head....but that's great :D
Craig_87 said:
Welcome to the club, keep away from everyone from down south, theyre not quite all there in the head (if you know what i mean)................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Nah, only messing

Were can't help being more interesting than u lot!!!! :p
Hey again peops. sorry for the loooong delay in posting again. pretty new to the internet and it takes me forever and a day to find my way back into these forum thingys. Im not too surprised to find a lot of you arent local to me. There doesnt seem to be a huge abundance of micras around here. 'specially of the modded variety. I took off moob's hubcaps (actually, they shattered off against a ticket booth, thats another story...) and painted her wheels white. was gonna instal interior led's for "mood lighting" as it were before the bloody kids turned her concave. Now Im bordering on losing interest out of depression (grumble) on the up and up though, have obtained permission to build a double garage on my property... yay, home for mooby!!! ;o)
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