nz_aj WROTE:
"It's just a bracket & pulley to replace the pump, wouldn't call that a major. I think it's only held on with 2 bolts.<BR><BR>The pump, resovior & hoses can all be removed. <BR>With the vehicle jacked off the ground & all hydraulic lines removed from the rack, quickly push the wheels from lock to lock a few times to remove all fluid from rack.<BR>Where the steering column fits into the rack the steel hydraulic lines can be removed & the ports plugged to prevent dust getting in (cut the line near the fitting & crimp)<BR>One of the existing lines connecting to the rack itself can be rebent & used to connect one end of the rack to the other. Displaced air from the rack will travel from one end to the other throught he line offering no resistance.<BR><BR>This will leave you with a faster steering ratio & tighter turning circle than if swapped the manual rack.