I had a bit of a shock at the weekend. I thought my Brake Pads had worn down as I when I braked heavily the other day I felt the car squirm to the right under braking and the horrible sound of metal on metal. I bought a new set of pads and went to fit them at the weekend only to find that the outer brake pad on Passenger side front was completely missing and the metal on metal was the calliper on the disk!!!!! When checking the Pads on the Drivers side they were almost as good as new. Assuming that they were replaced in pairs (have only owned the car 6 months so not sure when last replaced) somehow one of the pads must have fallen out but I can't see how as the Calliper looks fine. Anyone got any ideas what could have happened as I am concerned that when I fit the new ones the same thing could happen? Not sure if relevant but had driven through Ford a few minutes before so not sure if somehow the pad was hot and then got cooled very quickly. Has anyone come across this before? Hope you can help.