How do I use a torque wrench right?


Ex. Club Member
Might seem silly question but I've never really needed needed to but I'm my swapping cam covers in time and know I need to get the right torque settings when refitting.
dont you just set it to the level or torque required, then when the wrench gets to that point it wont allow you to turn it any more? At least thats the imrpession ive always had.
to do it properly you need to get the tourque setting and set the wrngh to it.. then whilst tightening the wrench will click when it gets to the correct presure but make sure it clicks whilst in motion.. starting to turn the bolt take slightly more pressure than it does to maintain the motion so you might get to as far as you can with one revolution wind the wrench back and then when you begin again it clicks straight away.

hope this makes sense lol
You don't need a torque wrench on the cam cover, Goldstar. Haynes says only 2lbf ft needed. I doubt your wrench can be set that low. If you are reusing the original screws, just use a #3 phillips and tighten in the proper sequence. Go around 3 or 4 times, a little at a time.

No need to torque the cam cover bolts, they are crappy screws, just do them till you feel some resistance, but Raceworx has describe how a torque wrench works.
the clickin on most ive used is the head of the ratchet like thing bending...prob makes less sense than race lol
no the3 clicking is it reaching its limit if your unsure of what its like set it low and try it on a wheel nut and youll feel it...