Hey guys how are we? I'm Griffo, 22 and from Wolverhampton in the West Midlands 
Well as of tonight I now own half of a K11 1.3GX lol. I say half as me and my mom have gone halfs on it.
I've always loved the little Micras, my mom passed her driving test in 1992 and since then has drove literally a handful of times. Recently she decided she wanted to have a good crack at it and started taking refresher lessons. She had been sort of looking out for a car and a chap at work had recently got a hold of this Micra from an elderly lady who had to turn her license in due to being diagnosed with Dementure (sp?). The chap just needed rid of it so got it for a bit of a bargain
So the reason i've put in towards it is that my mom only wants it temporarily just to gain her confidence in driving and once she's got the hang of it will end up just using my dads car and i'll more than likely take on the car fully as my own (it'll only be the 3rd car I currently own:wasntme
but I do love these little things so meh 
It's a cracking little thing anyway. It's got a few small problems which i'm hoping with the info amongst this place I can get sorted and give it that little TLC that it deserves as it's cool as f*ck haha! Only got it back home about 9ish this evening so haven't had chance to have a proper poke around yet. Though I shall be tomorrow
I'll get a little thread started in the appropriate area. Good site btw
Well as of tonight I now own half of a K11 1.3GX lol. I say half as me and my mom have gone halfs on it.
I've always loved the little Micras, my mom passed her driving test in 1992 and since then has drove literally a handful of times. Recently she decided she wanted to have a good crack at it and started taking refresher lessons. She had been sort of looking out for a car and a chap at work had recently got a hold of this Micra from an elderly lady who had to turn her license in due to being diagnosed with Dementure (sp?). The chap just needed rid of it so got it for a bit of a bargain
So the reason i've put in towards it is that my mom only wants it temporarily just to gain her confidence in driving and once she's got the hang of it will end up just using my dads car and i'll more than likely take on the car fully as my own (it'll only be the 3rd car I currently own:wasntme
It's a cracking little thing anyway. It's got a few small problems which i'm hoping with the info amongst this place I can get sorted and give it that little TLC that it deserves as it's cool as f*ck haha! Only got it back home about 9ish this evening so haven't had chance to have a proper poke around yet. Though I shall be tomorrow
I'll get a little thread started in the appropriate area. Good site btw