it's george in crawley again.
still the same old problem
1. driver headlight won't do normal beam - full beam is fine.
2. constant clicking and flashing of engine management light.
i took it to the garage 12 days ago - i've been oop north for a while, so now can call the garage to see what is happening.
they have had the car at B&W motors for 12 days now - they have not bothered to phone me yet.
when i took the car to the garage it was clicking and cutting power at the same time, about 0.25 second each time.
it did this about 150 times on the way to the garage.
then the engine manage light came on full for the first time - i immediately turned off and on with the key - heavy traffic at the time.
after the turn on, the click happened only once during the second half of the journey to the garage.
anybody got any ideas?
some people say ''relay'' to me - but i don't know about relays on the car - haynes is no use whatsoever on this.
how many relays on a 1.0 k11 profile?
i have located 3 relays and changed them - box beside battery.
if there is a fourth relay - and if it is the fuel relay - then where??
i am very close to selling this car.......for scrap.