

Ex. Club Member
My windscreen washers were working before I had the accident could it have done something to stop them working a fuse or something and if so which ones?
is there water in the bottle ? its behind that bumper that was bent in, it could have split it or damaged the washer motor.
If they don't spray onto your screen, then yes.
When you pull the stalk, do you hear the motor spinning?
You need to check that the pump is connected/working before you take it to the next stage - are the nozzles clear of gunk?
no but I was thinking when my mate repaired my bumper he used a stick and hit the inside bumper?

well theirs your answer!!!! ^ a stick!!! lol!!!

everybody covered what i was going to say :p!!
regarding Craigs comment on blocked nozzles.....if you ope bonnet, remove the water pipes from the fork connector, see if it sprays out now, but if you say you cant hear motor then have a look there!!
My guess was correct it was the motor not connected properly so I whacked it back into place and now works! Not paying a garage to do that for me!