Help needed for fitment of the alternator belt on a K13 1.2 dig s

Hello everyone, I hope someone out there can help me

I've been asked to try and cure the chirping noise, coming from the alternator belt on my next door neighbours K13 dig-s Micra 1.2 petrol . I had a look today ,I took the offside wheel off , splash guards etc and the only likely belt tensioner I could find, is via the idler pulley under the alternator. Can any one give me any advice please, if this tensioner has any locking/tightening mechanism on it .I have taken a photo but I cant quite work out how to post it .

Its definitely the belt that's causing the chirping, as when its sprayed with water the noise goes. There's no bearing noise and the belt is visibly in good condition .
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone, I hope someone out there can help me

I've been asked to try and cure the chirping noise, coming from the alternator belt on my next door neighbours K13 dig-s Micra 1.2 petrol . I had a look today ,I took the offside wheel off , splash guards etc and the only likely belt tensioner I could find, is via the idler pulley under the alternator. Can any one give me any advice please, if this tensioner has any locking/tightening mechanism on it .I have taken a photo but I cant quite work out how to post it .

Its definitely the belt that's causing the chirping, as when its sprayed with water the noise goes. There's no bearing noise and the belt is visibly in good condition .
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I managed to sort this out, so just a quick update for anyone who's wondering where the tensioner is and it is the pulley underneath the alternator. This is a self adjusting tensioner so there are no tightening bolts as there are on older models. To loosen the tension ,get a ratchet socket on the pulley bolt and apply pressure until the 2 holes in the metal housing and engine line up and then push a screwdriver through these holes to lock the tensioner in place, this make it easier changing the belt. When the new belts back in place remove the screwdriver while applying pressure with the ratchet socket and the pulley will take up the tension. Hope this helps someone.

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