Help k11 has anybody done ....

Has anybody done .....CV joint replacement write up with pics.

I hear a clicking sound on full lock at round abouts.

Is it a straight forward job - or one only a garage to attempt.

Any pointers appreciated
Tks Frank

Frank2 wrote:
you just snatch it off neuronet, a sharp tap with a copper hammer, or i usually clamp the shaft and knock the shaft inwards (then undo the hubnut)

the step above is preparation to: remove the outer CV joint from the hub or claw, I think. Just a clarification pls.

Lot of parts places seem to quote for the outer CV joint, not any I have come across that offer the inner CV joint. Is that correct or is the inner cv joint integrated part of the drive shaft. I was thinking there should be a CV joint at each end? Bit confused.
Tks Frank

Frank2 wrote:
you just snatch it off neuronet, a sharp tap with a copper hammer, or i usually clamp the shaft and knock the shaft inwards (then undo the hubnut)

the step above is preparation to: remove the outer CV joint from the hub or claw, I think. Just a clarification pls.

Lot of parts places seem to quote for the outer CV joint, not any I have come across that offer the inner CV joint. Is that correct or is the inner cv joint integrated part of the drive shaft. I was thinking there should be a CV joint at each end? Bit confused.

yes, there,s a removable CV on each end, its just that its awkward to smack the outer CV off its retaining clip, and i find it far easier to smack the shaft inwards to remove it from the outer CV :grinning:
(you,ll see that i dropped the upper bolt down the gap (in the pic) so as to hold the shaft/hub outwards)
Thks again Frank.

Does anybody have any link to drawings of drive shaft and cv joints and the linkages on the claw or hub?

Are the drivers side and passenger side different part numbers?

And is it recommended to do both sides or just the one side that is clicking?