
HI... i have a problem... my K10 dont run well...

the engine gets hot very quickly.... and it can make it to 60 mph if IM lucky... the radiator is filled and it stalls on full trottle... feels like the engine gets too mutch fule, and it got a leaking sound of air sippering out from the carb, simular to a turbo that is charging at hi rpm...

any ida what it can be??

(exuse the spelling, my english isn't wery good)
Your english is good so dont worry about that. All the things you suggest sound like the Carb... Overfueling & Air Leaking.. Maybe it needs a service / replacing?
Thx god I was so worried there for a whilre that the engine soon should brake down and collaps.... I will check the carb today.
Im no expert tho, so please take my advice with caution! I'd wait for someone like Ed, Slim or Quickdraw to reply before ruling anything else out!
first of all before you start stripping the carb etc. firstly check the lines make sure they are under cmpression and are casuing a vaccum were supposed.
is the engine racing ?
start the car and make sure that the radiator actually kicks in!
it may be full but the sensor may well be shot.
also check the thermostat. drop into a pot of hot water it should release it self etc.

make sure that the sensor is also connected (dumb thing i know but it does happen)

also does the temp guage run to the max heat aswell?

take the air pan off and checkt hat when the engine is running that it seems to be fuelling ok aswell