Heater Blower Resistor - LHD... where is it?


LHD drive car with climate control... The blower is not working.

Any idea where to find the blower resistor? I am assuming it is in the same place as RHD cars? But there is nothing with the same terminal configuration. Maybe this is because all the cars shown online are manual A/C? I removed the trim above the pedals (LHD), the photo shows a terminal with green connections. This appears from the manual to be the Fan Control Amplifier?

Is this the equivalent to the heater blower resistor for Cimate Controlled cars?





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LHD drive car with climate control... The blower is not working.

Any idea where to find the blower resistor? I am assuming it is in the same place as RHD cars? But there is nothing with the same terminal configuration. Maybe this is because all the cars shown online are manual A/C? I removed the trim above the pedals (LHD), the photo shows a terminal with green connections. This appears from the manual to be the Fan Control Amplifier?

Is this the equivalent to the heater blower resistor for Cimate Controlled cars?




LHD drive car with climate control... The blower is not working.

Any idea where to find the blower resistor? I am assuming it is in the same place as RHD cars? But there is nothing with the same terminal configuration. Maybe this is because all the cars shown online are manual A/C? I removed the trim above the pedals (LHD), the photo shows a terminal with green connections. This appears from the manual to be the Fan Control Amplifier?

Is this the equivalent to the heater blower resistor for Cimate Controlled cars?



Presume it's all opposite to the car in which case it's behind the glove box housing,had to remove mine last week.Unscrew box housing and completely remove and resister should be up behind here and held in to the fan housing with 2 torx screws and 1 small electrical block connector.....hope this helps

In fact it is what I thought. The item with the green terminals is the resistor for Climate Control cars.

I real b****** to get out on LHD cars (no room). But eventually I did. I ordered a new one. It is a common part with Renault. We shall see if it makes a difference. As it is French made, it has probably failed ;-)

I removed the blower terminal and tested the blower with 12V direct and the blower is working. So it isn't that.
That was the problem. Blower is now working. We have A/C. GBP 40 new.

The part is basically a tiny circuit board with a HUGE heat sink attached. If it needs such a large heat sink (placed in the ventilation ducts) then no wonder they fail. There much be a better design solution. Ebay is full of aftermarket versions. The same part failing in many French cars.

Still it is a French part, wondering if the Japanese equivalent failure rates are better?