Haynes Book on Japanese Carburettors

Micra 110

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After months of searching I have finally got the Carburetor Book of my dreams.....well almost the book of my dreams....anything to get nearer to finding out more info of the Hitachi DCZ 306 Carbs which you all know run better than a Weber when they're set-up right.....hence this book. I have 2 sat in the Garage and I'm determined to get these up and running.

I've also spoken to a chap in the states who may be able to get a Gasket kit but there are 3 different models so I've sent him some specs, hopefully we'll get a positive outcome :)

The Book details are: Japanese Carburettors (Vehicle) by Charles white

The Book Covers:
Aisan 26/30 and 28/32, K, 21100 series, VV;
Hitachi DCR, DCX, DCZ series;
Nikki 26/30, 28/32 and 30/34 (217260, 21E and 21L series)

ISBN No: 1850107866