Grinding Noise From Engine Bay


Fiji Nissan

I'm getting a (continuous) grinding noise from the engine bay but I don't know what it is. Someone told me it's the alternator bearings and I had the alternator changed!! But the noise is still there. The engine's been overalled about 7 weeks ago (new set of bearing, rings and gaskets). The sound is still there after the engine overall (not that the engine was overalled due to the grinding noise!!) So I'm sure it's not the bearings which are worn out. Can anyone suggest what else it could be? The sound can be best described as in where you turn on a disc grinder and hold a screwdriver to the center lock. It's a very irritating sound and it's been there for a while now. It doesn't seem to affect my normal everyday driving. Any suggestions anyone?:down:
this is less likely but worth a mention.

perhaps the starter gear is stuck in the flywheel position<SOLENOID STUCK>...(instead of disengaging when the starting key is releases after starting)...and so while running the engine the starter is being driven by the engine?
this is less likely but worth a mention.

perhaps the starter gear is stuck in the flywheel position<SOLENOID STUCK>...(instead of disengaging when the starting key is releases after starting)...and so while running the engine the starter is being driven by the engine?

i can imagine that making the same kind of noise as your describing... but if thats true how on earth is your starter motor still working? fwn
Thanks for your comments. My car's got an Automatic transmission so can't be the clutch like Sonic said. It's not the starter either. Starter's working fine. The sound is not as bad as that of the starter drive running with the engine. It's less than that. I was talking to a friend yesterday who suggested that it could be the aircon compressor's pulley bearing which is worn. What do you think? The belts are put on in such a way that from the crankshaft pulley, it then goes around the aircon compressor pulley. A different belt then goes from the compressor to the alternator and then A THIRD belt from the compressor to the power steering pump. I don't use the airconditioner so the pulley would be "rolling" only rather than the clutch engaging. Would the compressor pulley be noisy enough while "rolling" only?
blimey!... your micra is fully kitted up!!

mine has none of these cool accesories, and so I'm not much use here sorry

I'm keen to hear the answer too though...I hope somone else in here has some more ideas..
Thanks for the compliments, Sammohung. I always thought these were standard features of the March K10 (Micra). I feel special now. Thank you as well Sonic for your suggestion. I think I will change the bearings as it's not too expensive ...say, $7.00 approx. I'm gonna let you guys know what happens but I'm still open to suggestions.

Thanks for the compliments, Sammohung. I always thought these were standard features of the March K10 (Micra). I feel special now. Thank you as well Sonic for your suggestion. I think I will change the bearings as it's not too expensive ...say, $7.00 approx. I'm gonna let you guys know what happens but I'm still open to suggestions.

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