Hi all
Bought myself my first car at the weekend, it's a 5 door 1.3 GX. Almost everything works, just a few minor/common faults to sort, like the crossmember has some rust (but not too bad), the fan speed only works on 4, return spring broken on the gear lever etc.
Sorry to be "that noob" who shows up looking for help, but I have a few questions I can't find answers to:

Bought myself my first car at the weekend, it's a 5 door 1.3 GX. Almost everything works, just a few minor/common faults to sort, like the crossmember has some rust (but not too bad), the fan speed only works on 4, return spring broken on the gear lever etc.
Sorry to be "that noob" who shows up looking for help, but I have a few questions I can't find answers to:
- Are the crossmember reinforcing bars on Ebay a decent option, or should I source a proper replacement and get it welded in? (The crossmember isn't as bad as another I compared it to but at some point it wants doing)
- Does anyone have experience with the sunroof glass being out of line with the hole? The driver side edge is about 5mm too far back and it's stopping the sunroof going down and back.