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Geno's micra

Hi I'm Gene and this is my K11 micra 1998 1.3 GX, will 40,000 miles on the clock and full Nissan service history, which counts for nothing as the cabin filter has never been changed for a start... but anyway

The main idea behind the car is to get everything working perfect, factory fresh, so that I can use the car as a daily for many years to come, there won't be any mods, more of a restoration.. something a little different perhaps..

First job: gearbox, clutch and crank seal:

I took the box out as the clutch bearing was dry, the clutch was worn just before the rivets, surprising at that mileage, while I am there I'm changing the crank seal and taking a peek inside the gearbox as it was a bit crunchy into 2nd.

After taking the box apart, I checked the bearings and the mainshaft and diff bearings were pitted, so new bearing time. All I have is a picture of the box in bits for now.


I took the main shaft apart and all the baulk rings were perfect.
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