
» CMF Member
hellow I'm a micra driver from the netherlands (europe)
and i want to upgrade my micra with a ga15 throttle body. only problem is that I cant find any cars with that engine in my country. can someone give me a list of all the models that have the 1.5 engine?? also a lot of moddels is called different here, a pulsar is called a sunny in europe. maybe some one from the UK can help me get one, (sinds that is a lot closer than australia)

greetings from holland


» CMF Member
Member since:
GA15DE from N15 Pulsar or B14 Sunny or Y10 Wingroad, Japan assembled versions.
As far as I'm aware, GA15DE was never sold new outside Japan. Any vehicles in respective countries with the GA15DE have been imported (probably second hand) from Japan. Your closest largest source would be Russia.
There are many of them in New Zealand, far more than Australia from what I've observed.

Do you have Japanese parts importers who bring in wrecked parts from Japan? Maybe whole engines or front cuts?


» CMF Member
Member since:
In Europe there are some Nissan types which has the GA15 engine.
The Nissan Almera and the Nissan Primera (not sure) are types with the GA15 engine, but they are also rare in the Netherlands.

Maybe some scrapyards (try "Van Deijne"


» CMF Member
Member since:
This europe GA15... is it GA15DE? or GA15DS or just an old single cam carby GA15?

Europe Primera had a GA16DS as far as I'm aware.
N15 Almera would be the car to look at.