Fuel Pressure Regulators


» CMF Member
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Ok, I'm looking at every possible option for my 6-8psi turbo conversion. That is within price range, my initial stage is to just get it running with a piggy back fuel computer (Apexi SAFC2) which gives me +/- 50% at 12 user defined points in the rev range and user defined high and low throttle, and turning the dizzy to retard by approx 4 degrees and 1.6 injectors.

Now, I was wondering, would I be better using a Boost Pressure Sensitive Rising Rate Fuel Pressure Regulator (god that was a mouth full) with motorsport fuel pump (Walbro) To get the major fuel increases when it comes on boost, and use the Fuel Computer to just do the fine adjustments.

Anybody know of any issues that I may encounter like this? Or any serious reason why I should avoid?