Friend's Micra


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hi Rach, you friend obviously has good taste or perhaps you have just been a "bad" influence on her ?... ;)

Looks like a very nice example. I am sure it will be a fun, stylish and reliable little car for your friend.

Micras are now an affordable (and excellent) second-hand car for students. I expect we may see a few more around TAFEs and Universitys when the word gets out !.

It seems Rach and eM have started a new trend....


» CMF Member
The road runner stickers are now gone from the sides, took a long time and a lot of effort, but they came off eventually. Does anyone know how to get stickers off cars that have been baked on by the sun? there are huge stickers on her bum of Wile.E.Coyote and the road runner and i cant even make a dent in them! HELP!! i want them off! Its on the paint work so i cant use any checmicals cos it makes the shine go from the paint :(


» CMF Member
Member since:
because the stickers are bigger than what i was expecting lol, i think if u try and take them off and it goes wrong, u will be left with an "Imprint" of them still on the back of ur K11. therefore it wont look to good.
maybe leave them on 4a while??

i must admit i do like them!!



» CMF Member
Member since:
Yes I must admit I like them too, as I like the road runner too he is cool good cartoon. But if you really want to get graphics of your car use you common hair dryer on low heat a little away from your car and use your fingernails or a razor blade to get them off I have dont that many times and then hit the paint with some cut and polish to make it blend in also, good luck and welcome to the club.


» CMF Member
the stickers arent too bad i guess, but they are really faded, you cant really tell in the photos, but they were put on when the car it was first bought in 1995! i tried peeling them off by saoking them in hot water, but they wouldnt budge, scratching them with ur nails does nothing either, they just stay! so i might have to live with them being on there!


» CMF Member
Member since:
If they're that bad, probably best to take it to a panel beater/smash repairs place and get them to have a hack at it or just sand down the hatch and repaint it.

Nice ride too! Shame the stickers are faded! I hope you will come on the Meet on the 27th Novemember. I'll be announcing the plan this weekend!!


» CMF Member
Member since:
i know exactly what kind of sticker you mean. cos i had to remove some as well. to remove them is not that difficult. if it is the same type i am thinking of, the sticker itself would be quite easily removed with a pressure cleaner. be careful because if there are stonechips in the region, you could blast away the paint. once the sticker is removed, the gummy residue will remain. use one of those orange based cleaners or eucalyptus oil to remove the gum. then wax and polish.


» CMF Member
Member since:
you might be able to use a "caramal wheels" for those stickers. i have one if your keen to give it ago, can't see why it wouldn't work, altho they are pretty huge stickers.
its be the first thing i'd be getting rid of too. ok roadrunners pretty cool on the TV, but on your car?? umm i don't think so. its not a "beep beep" barina...


» CMF Member
cool thanks for all the help and ideas, ill give them a go tomorrow, and get back to you with the results. (even though i should really be catching up on all that dungy TAFE work...but hey, whats more important, tafe or my micra!)