well some K10 first model and second model have a small electronic box beneath the driver's seat. This box is used to stear a valve down into your carburator. Its used to increase the motor rpm with 200 when u switch on headlight, anti-fog screen at the back window of your car, when u put on the heater,... (you can check if when u switch the ignition key, dont start the motor and switch on the heater or headlights; You will hear a *click* from the engine)
One of the latest K10 had a better engine control system, instead of using only a carburator to control the engine, they switched into a electronic controlled carburator. (its a system shortly used between carburators and the electric controlled engine used today). The electronic carburator had a Lambda probe at the exhaust of the engine, measering the quality of the combustion of the engine. Also it has a EGR valve (you can see a tube between the exhaust and the inlet with a valve on the inlet, valve opens only when not in idle, reducing Nox and also heat production of the engine drasticly). Also it has ome kind of carbon filter (should be a small black bucket attached at the right upper cornor behind the engine) and if i remeber right it is to reduce some elements and preform a better cold start (have to look that up again
). Anyway the engine is more stable then its predecesors. And finally to get to your questions. All this improvements to the engine are controlled by an ECU and that is mounted under the passenger seat, if u get it out the black box, you will notice it looks alot like the ECU boxes on newer cars. The ECU also the rpm increase when you put on your headlights and heaters,... etc..