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ok heres a update for all those that are waiting


the red micra is back on the road and in better condition than before!


got the car fixed the week before the modded uk show in kent


my car on the stand




also whilst at the show all weekend i got bored slightly and got the micra on the rolling road :grinning:




havent got a scan of the graph print out yet but the figures are as following


72bhp at flywheel

55bhp at wheels

68Il-ft torque


12bhp over standard ma12 from just 4-2-1 exhaust + pipercross air filter and a few other tweaks im not telling but they didnt cost any pennys


dartford tunnel on the way home was well all that can explain it is :love: exhaust sounds lovely


just serviced it aswell, 54k service the BIG one but money well spent imo


also got a old toy off ebay to play with :grinning:





also yes more to come


the WHITE micra might be back making a come back on the road soon, possibly with a 1.2 engine out of my donor car and long ratio 5spd, then i'll recon my short 5 spd box and put it in my red micra for santa pod arse wooping :grinning:
