..changing an engine and ####ing about, was great, get some mates round, some sticky labels are a must..as gary said, start early and on a warm day...unlike us, then get stuck in, you'l learn alot about the engine, get 20bhp overnight and have a nice new platform to work on. If your low on cash but want to get bigger gains, then save up get the bigger engine, because working on a smaller engine makes it harder and more expensive the get the bigger gains.
...If all else fails give me, goldstain, kristian and dusk your address, we'l come down, change the engine, probably metaly scare you for life, gary would chip your x-box, me and dusk would eat all your food and kristian will force you to buy and xbox....but your car will be faster

..if hughes 16v came he'd tell you were all the local prostitutes are aswel...