I fitted some LEDs to my dash board as my old ones went dead, I took the dash apart, took the guages and needles off as this is the first time I have done this and I am training to be a mechanic. I fitted the new LEDS tested works brilliant, then but the Clocks i think there called back on with the needles to their original place. Now when i tested them, the fuel does nothing but spin round and round and the speedo does not move how ever when i take the clock/black bit with numbers off from the speedo and put the needle back on drive the needle moves ???? but the fuel guage still spins round and round. Not sure whats up tried loads, wd40, putting the needle on and off tightning the screws and making sure their in correct. Im not out of ideas.
I fitted some LEDs to my dash board as my old ones went dead, I took the dash apart, took the guages and needles off as this is the first time I have done this and I am training to be a mechanic. I fitted the new LEDS tested works brilliant, then but the Clocks i think there called back on with the needles to their original place. Now when i tested them, the fuel does nothing but spin round and round and the speedo does not move how ever when i take the clock/black bit with numbers off from the speedo and put the needle back on drive the needle moves ???? but the fuel guage still spins round and round. Not sure whats up tried loads, wd40, putting the needle on and off tightning the screws and making sure their in correct. Im not out of ideas.