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Lack of Power.

In the absence of hesitation /misfiring, kangarooing and idle issues it is unlikely that the throttle body mass airflow sensor is at fault and alternatives could be considered first. Lack of power is more likely to relate to engine condition compression, fuel pressure injection issues, timing, and a failing HT coil among many others.

Laminar airflow mesh grid is secured by a dedicated spring clip designed to be maintenance free for the life of the throttle body and inaccessible to all but competent persons equipped with special tools.

Look very closely at the two ends of the spring clip and they can be seen to be tapered. It’s possible to wedge small terminal screwdrivers between one end of the clip and the throttle body housing to prise the clip out its recess slot. Be careful not to damage the Laminar airflow grid as it is essential for accurate mass air flow measurement.


NB: the MAF hot wire is self-cleaning every start stop cycle by the electronic controls that heat the hotwire to high-temperature to burn off any contamination. Sometimes using magnifying glasses it is possible to identify whiskers of air filter paper debris around the hotwire within the Bakelite protective tube that may slightly affect accurate airflow measurement.

Do not directly spray any solvent on the very fragile hotwire (especially when hot and working) that will leave a residue on it. Iso-Propyl Alcohol (IPA) is a suitable low risk solvent.


Happy hunting, good luck
