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MAF sensor is not removable from the throttle body and is a fine whisker wire that is very fragile mounted in a shielding protective Bakelite/rigid plastic tube and must not be physically touched.

The laminar airflow grid mesh will be coated with a black oily sludge on its underside and spraying solvents through it may deluge the mass airflow sensor with said oily sludge residue, creating problems where none may exist.

When was the fuel filter last changed located on the firewall bulkhead? The vehicle is old enough to have considerable fuel tank contents contamination with condensation water and crud foreign bodies sludge! How many miles has it done?

Air filter housing pneumatic airtight seal rubber sleeve tends to meld itself to the throttle body due thousands of hot and cold operating cycles over its 20 year life and is thus difficult to remove first time. The throttle body moving parts, accelerator cable mechanism and cold start auto enrichment device, can be lubricated with a long reach nozzle oil can with the air filter housing in situ.
