Club Member (Trial)
Item: Pioneer DEH-2100UB headunit front AUX & USB
Location: Cardiff
Condition: good used
Reason for selling: Upgraded to DAB ohh yeahhh
Price: £40 posted
Upgraded my car to DAB on the weekend so my old headunit is for sale Pioneer DEH-2100UB front AUX and USB great for ipod, or memory sticks £40 posted uk mainland 50W x 4 http://www.pioneer.e...100UB/page.html looks marked here but its not, its mint, just poope camera and dust
Location: Cardiff
Condition: good used
Reason for selling: Upgraded to DAB ohh yeahhh
Price: £40 posted
Upgraded my car to DAB on the weekend so my old headunit is for sale Pioneer DEH-2100UB front AUX and USB great for ipod, or memory sticks £40 posted uk mainland 50W x 4 http://www.pioneer.e...100UB/page.html looks marked here but its not, its mint, just poope camera and dust
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