Extended wheel studs?


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hi guys,

Just curious who makes, or what could you use on the micra?

i need my studs about 5 to 8mm longer so i can bolt my new wheels on securely.

are there any other nissans that have studs that are longer and compatible with the micra?

you can see in the picture below the stud needs to be that little bit longer so the lug nut can bolt on securely





» CMF Member
Member since:
Just go to any Bursons/Auto place and ask for studs in your desired length for a Nissan - say pulsar if they ask for specifics. Hammer out the old, hammer in the new!

Dragways eh.. they're gonna be heavy ;) Always wondered how they'd look on a Micra. Also looks like they're gonna scrub pretty bad on the rear unless you lip the guards. Again, a dead-weight hammer and a heatgun can fix that. I tried a set of hotwires once but the offset was so aggressive they were 30-40mm out of the guards.



» CMF Member
Member since:

"Just go to any Bursons/Auto place and ask for studs in your desired length for a Nissan - say pulsar if they ask for specifics. Hammer out the old, hammer in the new!<BR><BR>Dragways eh.. they're gonna be heavy ;) Always wondered how they'd look on a Micra. Also looks like they're gonna scrub pretty bad on the rear unless you lip the guards. Again, a dead-weight hammer and a heatgun can fix that. I tried a set of hotwires once but the offset was so aggressive they were 30-40mm out of the guards.<BR><BR>---dens

You'd be suprised! they dont feel much heavier then the steelies, and i couldn't really care about wheel weight, its only a runaround.

I'm no stranger to aggresive offsets. guards are already rolled, and will be pumped accordingly ... its just what i do.


The fronts may need adjustable camber bolts, as the wheel does prodtrude 20-30mm, but hopefully there will be enough strech on the tyre to not need camber.

anyway, i'll worry about this after, i need to get my hands on some studs first.
