


i did use the search function but couldnt find anything so has anyone got an back box for a k11!!
Ive got an aftermarket 1, 3 inch tailpipe, can have it for £30 cause its just sitting in my garage!It sounds just right not to lod
benmicrasr said:
Ive got an aftermarket 1, 3 inch tailpipe, can have it for £30 cause its just sitting in my garage!It sounds just right not to lod

got any pics???
Go onto modded micra's website and look at the pictures under the username benmicrasr and its there!
for 30 quid sounds good, im interested definatly
where bouts u live how much would postage on it be??
from reading the other thread i c you live in leciester, i am coming up that way for college just next week, to lemington spa, so we could possible meet n il take it off ur hands
Yeah sounds good m8, ideally meet at a junction on the motorway or if u r coming to Leicester anywhere is good for me!Let us no
wikid, what junction, is there a service station near you i no the oxford one but thats a bit of a mission for you, im only about 20 minutes from lester so i could just meet you there.
Junction 21a off the M1 is nearest to me and there is a service station there!Whens best for you?
well im at college everyday, so one evening during the week if that good for you, if you use msn add me [email protected] or email me a mobile number and ill give u a call
Whats your email address?I will email you my mobile number so we can arrange a date and time, cheers Ben
so does anyone else have an exhaust for sale or does anyone know if you can get a buddy club for a k11???